Lakey Lane Primary School

Lakey Lane Primary School

How will the school support my child?

In class

Lakey Lane is a mainstream primary school. For the majority of the time your child will be taught in class. We believe that the key to success for any child, including those identified with SEND, is about excellent targeted teaching and learning with their peers, this is also known as ‘Quality First Teaching’. Essentially Quality First Teaching is about the teachers knowing where your child is at, where they need to go next and the best way to get there. Work will be adapted to meet the children’s needs and consideration will be given to the best way for them to learn.

Assessment of children’s progress is key and this happens on a daily basis. There will be times when the children are expected to work independently. There will be times when they work as part of a smaller group within the class, supported by the teacher or teaching assistant. There may be times when they work in a smaller group in a different teaching space.  In discussion with the SENDCo, individualised programmes may be used to support children with specific learning needs.

Generally we do not group the children by ability, however, if there are a number of children who need a significant amount of extra support for reading, writing or maths, these children may be taught daily in small groups. Parents will always be informed if this is the case. In year 6, we have ‘booster’ groups to ensure all the children are prepared and confident for the end of year tests and their transition into senior school .   


Targeted Intervention 

Some children will benefit from targeted support in addition to their learning in class. They may work as part of a small group on a specific intervention for a set period of time. These sessions are run by teachers or teaching assistants trained on that intervention. These sessions usually take place in the afternoon.

Small group interventions we currently run in school include;

  • Wellcomm Language Interventions
  • Speech and Language groups 
  • Little Wandle Phonics Groups
  • Math Interventions
  • Writing interventions, including spelling
  • Read Interventions
  • Fine and Gross Motor Groups
  • Wellbeing Groups
  • Sensory Circuits
  • Daily Catch Up Groups 

Individual work

For a very small number of children we will identify that a set period of more intensive 1:1 support is the most appropriate way in which to meet their specific needs. The frequency and duration of the intervention will depend on the child and their level of need. 


Outside agencies

A small number of children will access support provided by professionals other than school staff. This is outlined in more detail in a following section.