Lakey Lane Primary School

Lakey Lane Primary School

What do we mean by Special Educational Needs and / or Disabilities (SEND)?


Many children need additional support at some stage in their school life, for many different reasons. This may be for a relatively short period of time or it may be throughout the time they are at school.


Those children who receive support for an extended period of time, need more intensive support or have been identified with more complex needs will be included on the school’s SEND register.


 The four main areas of need (as outlined in the Children and Families Act 2014) are:


  • Communication and Interaction

This would include children who have difficulty in interacting with the people and the world around them.

  • Cognition and Learning

Children who find learning, thinking and understanding harder than most other pupils.

  • Social, Mental and Emotional Health

Children who may experience difficulty in managing their emotions, behaviour in a way that affects their daily life.

  • Sensory and/or Physical

Children who have a disability that may make it difficult for them to manage their everyday life without change or support.


At Lakey Lane we have supported and will continue to support children across this range of needs.  We are happy to talk to you about the four areas of needs in more detail or please get in touch if you wish to discuss the particular needs of your child.   


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